Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Incremental Challenege

This is an incredibly simple setup, you can either do it for sheer annoyance or if you are trying to meet a cute neighbor. It's a win win really. Your attire doesn't matter, but I suppose in either case (cute neighbors or someone you want to annoy) the more ridiculous the better.

Simply go knock on their door and ask if you can borrow something trivial, like a cup of sugar.

Let 10 minutes pass and go back
This time ask for something slightly more than what you did before, let's say eggs and flour?

Let 20 minutes pass and go back
This time ask for two things - something completely not cooking related, a candle to set the mood and a condom.

Let 4 minutes pass and go back
This time ask for some fireworks

I think you all get where this is going, keep things as ludicrous as possible. The end game of this goal? See how many times you can go back, how much stuff you can get, and what sort of stuff you can get. I think this has some serious potential to be a lot of fun.

Marcus out.

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